Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs is a collaborative research initiative of seven Ontario universities and 16 cross-sectoral partner organizations. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the five-year project seeks to inform effective employment standards enforcement in Ontario.
Who to inspect? New research on ES inspections published February 1, 2021 - A new paper by Andrea M. Noack, Alice Hall, and Leah F. Vosko, published in Canadian Public Policy, highlights issues related to employment standards violations in Ontario. In Ontario, as in many other jurisdictions, employment […]
What’s at the “core of Indianness”? New research on Indigenous labour & federal jurisdiction published. February 1, 2021 - Members of the Closing the Enforcement Gap team have begun exciting new research into questions of Indigenous waged labour and jurisdiction in Canada. A new research brief released through the Yellowhead Institute at Ryerson University […]
What do we owe workers? New research on sick and caregiving leaves published February 1, 2021 - COVID-19 has exposed how poorly workers in Canada are protected. Gaps in sickness and caregiving leaves are particularly problematic in a pandemic where staying home when sick or caring for others who are sick can […]
New research on franchising and employment standards published October 16, 2020 - Closing the Enforcement Gap team members Mark Easton, Andrea M. Noack, and Leah F. Vosko have recently published a new article in the Economic and Labour Relations Review on franchising and employment standards enforcement. “Are […]
Eric Tucker and Leah Vosko on COVID-19 Recovery, EI, and Leaves September 8, 2020 - Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap members Eric Tucker (Osgoode Law School) and Leah Vosko (York University), along with Sarah Marsden (Thomspson Rivers University) have provided their expertise on the topic of leaves and employment […]